On top of our usual high standard of hygiene you can rest assured we’re taking significant additional measures to ensure your safety when you visit us for that tattoo or piercing you’ve been thinking about since 23rd March.
We’re currently only allowing 2 customers at a time in our reception area. Additional customers will be politely asked to wait upstairs. Unfortunately we ask all friends to wait up stairs to minimise risk.
We’ve put up screens where practical so we can interact with you safely.
Customers will be given gloves if they wish to look through books.
Before treatment we provide extra sanitiser for staff and clients.
We are following government guidelines on track and trace to protect you, your friends & associates.
We are providing a plastic bag for our customers’ belongings.
We will provide clean face masks for our staff and customers or visors where masks can’t be worn.
Our piercing and tattoo stations are cleaned before and after every customer.
Customers are asked to sanitise hands before and after using the toilets.
We’re not allowing the consumption of food or drink on the premises.
Piercings will be done behind a screen if the tattooist is working.
We have also employed a rigorous cleaning regime where commonly touched areas like handrails, door knobs and toilets are regularly cleaned with cleaning fluids known to be anti viral.
As you can see, we’re taking our responsibilities seriously. I do hope that our efforts have eased any concerns you may have about visiting.
We look forward to seeing you soon.